Caleb Scholze

A modern day polymath and software developer.

About Me

Caleb Scholze Headshot

Life is the persistence of creation. Both in biology and technology, the moment of creation begins the existence of that which previously did not exists. All my life I've had an insatiable curiosity to answer the questions how and why. Why do I experience emotions? How does a transistor work? Why does liquid gasoline move a car down the street? How does electricity make a computer operate? To this day I'm forever searching for the answers to questions and new questions to answer. The most difficult questions to answer are those that have never been asked, just as the most challenging problems are those that have never been solved.

For me, software is the questions and the problems; the answers and the solutions.


Most of my work is available on GitHub, but here are select projects.

My creative outlet is music. I primarily jam on a guitar or bass, but will tinker with anything that makes a sound. Chart-It arose from my frustration with trying to manage binders full of hand written/typed song charts. As I found myself usually sitting before a computer when playing, I created a web app where I could create, store, and easily view charts I had created.

This particular project uses AngularJS and Bootstrap to create, save, and view song charts. It features user authentication an data storage with Firebase, where it is currently deployed. Check out the GitHub Repo for details on features and function.

Writing software for the internet opened my eyes to the world of security. While software can create incredible solutions, it can also be exploited. Software security ranges from writing secure code to ensuring that your devices and networks are also safe from attack and misuse. To learn more about network security and vulnerabilities, I've created a piece of software to map out devices and services for machines running on a local network.

DiscoverMe is a multi-user web interface built on top of an existing program called Nmap. This project uses and AngularJS and Angular Material to create a UI run on a browser. With a Node.js server runnning on a local machine, users can scan their networks for other devices, discover any open ports and servies running, and save data to a PostgreSql database hosted on Heroku.


Below are some of the software technologies and tools I play with.

Contact Me

Feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or just to say hello!